sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018

The parent trap: can you be a good writer and a good parent? - The Guardian

The Guardian

The parent trap: can you be a good writer and a good parent?
The Guardian
When I tell people that I'm writing a book about freedom and Doris Lessing, their first response is often the same. “Didn't she abandon her children?” Implicit is the assumption that freedom, in whatever complex ways she sought it, came at too high a ...

Crecimiento Personal Coaching Autoayuda Escritor Pedro J. Pérez
Libro La Semilla
Libros Autoayuda, Crecimiento Personal y Meditación
Life Coaching Vida y Terapias Alternativas
PNL Filosofía de Vida, Consciencia
Noticias Marbella Seo y Posicionamiento Web

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