jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019

Forever and One Day by Deidre Robinson

Forever and One Day by Deidre Robinson

Thirty-three-year-old Savannah appears to have everything to the average outsider looking in – a successful and fulfilling job, a loving parent, an active love life, and beauty. But something is missing. After a series of unfortunate events, which begin after the death of the beloved matriarch of her family, Eileen, Savannah’s life falls apart. Does she have the strength to put it back together? Inspired by events in Ms. Robinson’s own life, Forever and One Day questions the meaning of life and what society considers to be normal. Which is more important – appearances to society or inner peace and happiness? Impressive and thought-provoking, it is a portrait of a woman desperate for comfort, yet seeking liberation from the generational patterns that rule her world. To learn more or order the book:
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