miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018

National Book Foundation Announces Finalists for 69th Annual Award - New York Times

New York Times

National Book Foundation Announces Finalists for 69th Annual Award
New York Times
The National Book Foundation announced the finalists for the 69th annual National Book Awards on Wednesday, with a stylistically and thematically diverse group of 25 finalists in five categories — fiction, nonfiction, poetry, young people's literature ...
Here Are Your 2018 National Book Awards FinalistsVulture
The 25 acclaimed novels, poetry, and nonfiction on the US National ...Quartz
Book World: Lauren Groff and Terrance Hayes among the finalists ...The Edwardsville Intelligencer
Publishers Weekly -EW.com (blog) -Vox
los 86 artículos informativos »
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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
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The Seed Book

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