martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Beyond Andromeda by Peter Tirant-James

Beyond Andromeda by Peter Tirant-James

Jordan wakes one night feeling called to venture outside. His little sister Melissa feels the same. Once there, they are faced with an incredible sight: a spacecraft from the star system Andromeda—a planet so far away, it isn’t visible from Earth. They communicate telepathically with an alien being, and everything changes. For Melissa and Jordan their awareness is piqued, especially when they are taken on a journey into space. Jordan realises that his purpose in life is to challenge the Earth’s ever-increasing problem of pollution and its impact. Whereas Melissa’s purpose is using her gifts to nurture humanity and to prevent its pattern of self-destruction. Together the siblings hope to prevent the waste and build stronger communities in order to save the planet. There are definite roadblocks, like the powerful authorities that exercise control in their community. However, over the course of their struggles, this brother and sister develop strength and learn to support each other while doing the same for the planet. To learn more or order the book:

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