miércoles, 8 de julio de 2020

08/07/20 "The Cathar Prophecy" Will it be fulfilled in 2021? by Marisa Ventura

08/07/20 "The Cathar Prophecy" Will it be fulfilled in 2021? by Marisa Ventura

In the year 1321, the last Cathar was burnt at the stake by the inquisition, Guillaume Belibaste, left a prophecy which said that it would be fulfilled in 700 years, when the laurel would turn green again. The 700 years will be fulfilled in 2021. The prophecy, which is beautiful, speaks of the return of the "Church of Love", the one of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. And they recognized that those who belong know they belong. Let us remember that the Cathars were the descendants of the teachings of Mary Magdalene in the south of France. Marisa Ventura
She is a political scientist, researcher and writer. She has lived and traveled tirelessly throughout Europe doing his research. She has visited cities and sanctuaries of veneration for Mary Magdalene both, in the Cathar Country in southern France, as well as in Magdala and the Holy Land in Israel. She has made pilgrimages to sacred places such as the French way to Santiago de Compostela, she has undergone meditations in the Pyramids of Bosnia-Herzegovina and revered one of the most important relics of Jesus which are jealously guarded in Italian Tuscany. -----------------INFORMATION ABOUT MINDALIA-----------------
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