jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Earth Woman by Tetyana Shvachuk

Earth Woman by Tetyana Shvachuk

Are you feeling disconnected from your life? Do you keep pushing yourself to the limit, feeling like you’re just surviving but not thriving as a woman? Do you feel like your life is out of balance and your relationships are suffering? Imagine that you had the life you wished for. You were loved and deeply appreciated by others. You had ample amount of time to take care of yourself and nurture your wellbeing. You were happy, beautiful, charismatic, and confident. What if I told you that you can:
- Transform your life from feeling like a chore to living in bliss
- Discover how to achieve beauty that lasts
- Awaken your true feminine power
- Learn ancient secrets and sacred wisdom from a culture known for its beauty and femininity
- Release old patterns that keep you stuck and feeling disempowered
- Build a strong and loving relationship with yourself and others Earth Woman is packed with practical tips on how to heal your life through a unique method of using your Feminine Divine Energy. It is a spiritual source of inspiration that introduces breakthrough ideas on how to be a satisfied woman at any age. To learn more or order the book:
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