sábado, 4 de abril de 2020



The Seed, A Memorable Book: Change your steps, Change your Life (PAPERBACK)

The Seed, A Memorable Book: Change your steps, Change your Life (Kindle Edition)


This is a revealing book, a tool for people to wake up to a new reality that has been hidden to benefit the interests of a few.

We can stay our entire life in the big wheel while we stumble once and again without knowing why. Or we can wake up to this new reality, this new consciousness…

Despite of manipulation and oppression, everyone has the key to a door which leads to discover the secrets hidden behind existence itself.  

The author offers a seed for us to make it grow. We have the opportunity to be free.

Do not condition your happiness to nothing because there will always be something else. We live with a continuous deficit of something. That something will always be missing, because once you get to the finish line, another one will emerge and will keep conditioning your happiness. Instead, we can make every single thing to become part of a whole. We can celebrate those special little situations. You were born with nothing and at the same time with everything. Therefore, you should be happy with nothing in order to be happy with everything.

The purpose of life is to, simply, live, experience and evolve in every present based on original patterns which have been forgotten. The great consciousness, the Everything, experiences life through us and it is constantly evolving through the life experience of every small single consciousness that is part of it.

«If we cannot locate ourselves in the Everything, we will not be capable of comprehending it”

THE SEED BOOK, self help book, personal growth book, personal development books,
life coaching books, personal coaching book, NLP book, PNL BOOK,
spirituality book, metaphysics book, philosophy of life book,
seed book, the seed book, the seed a book to remember, Self-help, Personal Growth, Personal Development, Life Coaching, Metaphysics, Personal Coaching, Spirituality, New Age, Activism, Life Philosophy, Conspiracy, Meditation, Ufology, Astrology, Numerology, Flower of Life, Poetry, Writer, Pedro J. Perez , Books, Essay, Non Fiction, Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres, Consciousness, Alternative Therapies, Indoctrination, Manipulation, Corruption, Financial System Fraud, Pharmaceutical Mafia, Esclavista System, Love, Freedom, Peace, Happiness, Multidimensional, Psychology

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Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres
Escritor Pedro J.
The Seed Book

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